Talent Management is an ongoing process of planning, analyzing, managing and rewarding people to meet current and future business needs. Talent Management is a buzz word in the Corporate Coaching. Ultimately a company’s people, particularly their most talented staff are their primary differentiator.
Talent consists of those individuals who can make a difference to organisational performance, either through their immediate contribution or in the longer-term by demonstrating the highest levels of potential.
This course is aimed for: CEO's, Business Entreprenuers, Chairmen, Chair person's, Board level Executives, Managing Director's etc. from the GCC countries and India.
Faculty: The course will be undertaken by JAZ Consultant's team of 12 international consultants/ psychologists from US/ Europe. (Psi/JAZ). Lead Consultants - Mr. Nick Allen and Dr. Alastair Macfarlane. We shall arrange ILM certification for this coaching, upon request.
More about Talent Management coaching sessions, please click and download the brochure http://www.jazconsultants.com/company-brochure.html Or write to us at info@jazconsultants.com for specific details.