
Corporate Talent Management (Executive - hi flyers)

03 Mar 2018  to  07 Mar 2018

Talent Management is an ongoing process of planning, analyzing, managing and rewarding people to meet current and future business needs. Talent Management is a buzz word in the Corporate Coaching.  Ultimately a company’s people, particularly their most talented staff are their primary differentiator. 

Talent consists of those individuals who can make a difference to organisational performance, either through their immediate contribution or in the longer-term by demonstrating the highest levels of potential.

This course is aimed for: CEO's, Business Entreprenuers, Chairmen, Chair person's, Board level Executives, Managing Director's etc. from the GCC countries and India.

Faculty: The course will be undertaken by JAZ Consultant's team of 12 international consultants/ psychologists from US/ Europe. (Psi/JAZ). Lead Consultants - Mr. Nick Allen and Dr. Alastair Macfarlane.  We shall arrange ILM certification for this coaching, upon request.

More about Talent Management coaching sessions, please click and download the brochure Or write to us at for specific details.

