We would all become bored if nothing different or challenging happened in our lives. Workers at all levels feel stressed out, insecure, and misunderstood and many people feel the demands of the workplace, combined with the demands of home, have become too much to handle.
The myth is that only people who seem to exhibit stressful reactions overtly should attend a stress management program. However there are no rules about who should attend a stress management program. All Individuals who want to learn to handle difficult situations in life, find a good work life balance & improve the quality of their relationships would be the right candidates to attend a stress management workshop.
Here, we bring to you a 2 day workshop that deals with Stress at different levels and helps participant's eliminate it from their lives through EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). A little bit of planning can go a long way towards reducing stress. Participants will work in small groups to brainstorm ways of managing time.
Return on investment: Participants will understand the different causes of stress, realize own stress factors and will learn the ‘5 Minute Stress Buster Techniques’. Attendees shall effectively handle stress situations and will live an empowered productive life.
Faculty: The course will be undertaken by Mr. Jayesh Talpade – CEO at Acumen Business Consulting - Mumbai.
Click on http://www.jazconsultants.com Or write to us at info@jazconsultants.com for specific details.